Monday, September 11, 2017


Cucumber, popular in salads, is a herb which is known to keep the
kidneys healthy. Cucumber seeds when roasted, powdered and made into 
a coffee-like drink have been known to relieve colic. Thin slices of
cucumber placed on tired eyes is supposed to have a soothing effect.
For sore eyes, the flowers of the pomegranate (Punica granatum) 
tree known as 'delun' can give great relief. The buds of the tree are 
boiled and the infusion given to stop chronic diarrhoea especially 
in children. The same infusion also relieves bronchitis. 
Bleeding from the nose can be checked by powdering the flowers 
of the pomegranate tree and applying it on the bleeding area.

source by

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Weight Loss

Image result for high weight

Among the alternate medicine systems that available,Ayurveda seem to be the one that got fastest growing around the world. Ayurveda medicine is originated from India and is current growing fast in western world. Ayurveda medicine did offers a lot health benefits for people will going through with the treatments like meditation, massage, diet, and herbs remedies. Besides, Ayurveda can assist someone to lose weight as well. The fact is, many people have adopted Ayurvedic practices and managed to lose significant weight, and at the same time also received a restoration of peace and balance of their body and mind.
With the use of Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss, it involves different types of herbs that can help to burn fat of a person and rebuild the natural metabolic process of the body.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

mango chutney - amba chutney

mango chutney   - amba chutney

Image result for mango chutney

Ingredients :
500 g mangoes
400 g sugar
1 tsp chilli powder
1/2  tsp cardamom powder
50 g raisins
2 tsp chopped ginger
2 tsp chopped garlic
2/3 cup water
1 cup vinegar
4 tsp salt

Monday, January 18, 2016




50g green beans
50g cabbage
1 tomato diced
50g leeks
50g carrots
2 cloves of garlic chopped
50g red dhal
2 small potatoes cubed
2 cardamoms
1 sprig curry leaves
1 piece of lemongrass
1 tsp raw curry powder
1 piece cinnamon
1 tbs crushed black pepper
1 tbs tamarind paste
8 cups water
Salt to taste

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Best Home and Ayurvedic Remedies for Toothache Treatment

Best Home and Ayurvedic Remedies for Toothache Treatment

Toothache is a very troublesome problem, which drastically affects a person's normal activities. Sometimes the pain in the teeth gets so painful that the person May feel that the whole tooth needs to be eradicated from the gums. However, there are many ways in Ayurveda to prevent and treat toothaches.

mouth is a place of kapha dosha. So, when kapha dosha gets corrupted, there are oral and dental problems, including toothache. Ayurveda takes care of a toothache that appeasement kapha dosha. This is achieved by using various herbs that can be used as toothpowders, toothpaste and toothbrush.

There are a number of potent oils that can be applied to the affected teeth to get rid of pain. Even dentists around the world use and prescribe drugs that has emerged in Ayurveda, as well as the use of clove oil in allaying toothache.

So, it's a good idea to use Ayurvedic techniques for maintaining lifelong dental hygiene.

(1) Useful Herbs in the treatment of toothache

1 asafetida (ferrules fetid)

asafetida is an excellent and fast-acting remedy for toothache problems. Its rich mineral and vitamin content to increase the strength of the teeth and allow them to bear the pain.

2 clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

Clove is the best astringent and antiseptic properties of dental medicine. Clove oil reduces the pain greatly and the fight against microbes in the cavity. Clove oil is an important ingredient in many toothpastes. Even dentists apply materials clove oil as a vital component in filling cavities.

3 onions (Allium cepa)

Onion may give bad odor temporarily, but in the long run is very useful for dental hygiene. Onion can fight against bacteria that accumulate on the teeth and thus prevent future dental problems. People chomping on one raw onion a day are protected from toothache, in addition to various other health benefits.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Toothache

of dental problems are due to imbalance of kapha dosha, kapha is necessary to bring back to normal. To do this, the following points must be obeyed: -

- sugary foods should be strictly avoided. This will increase kapha in the mouth, which will help the growing of microorganisms. This causes cavities in the mouth, causing toothache.

- Do not consume chocolates and sugary foods at night. Their particles will remain in the interstices of the teeth, even if you think you have brushed properly.

- foods that are bitter, pungent and astringent taste are good for keeping toothaches in check. These foods can kill microorganisms settle in the cavity.

- Foods that have good vitamin C content are also good for your teeth. Thus, amalaki, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits should be included in the diet.

- dental hygiene is required. You must gargle after every meal and floss before retiring to bed. Use a toothpick to remove any food particles from the embedded cavity.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Toothache

In the case of toothache, a paste of some useful herbs prepared. This is used as a tooth powder and instead of toothpaste.

Irimedadi taila used for application on the teeth. Regular use of this oil solves most problems with their teeth.

In the case of a toothache with gingivitis, then the following drugs are prescribed: - 

-. Decoction of triphala and Cyprus used for gargling

- a mixture of licorice is prepared in ghee and honey. It is applied to the teeth.

(4) Home Remedies for Toothache

1 Asafetida is ground into a paste in lemon juice. It was then a little zagrije.Blazinicom is dabbed in the solution and applied to the tooth cavity. This is a very quick way to relieve pain.

2.Vrlo simple remedy to compensate for toothache is to mix some pepper powder with common salt and rub this mixture on your teeth. In this daily will also prevent toothache problems, as well as dental caries.

3 Mix a pinch of pepper in clove oil. Put this oil directly into the cavity to stop toothache.

4 Prepare a paste of the bark of bay berry in vinegar. Apply this on your teeth. It relieves toothache and helps strengthen the gums in the long run.

5 Chew the root of East Indian rosebay. This helps in reducing toothache with immediate effect.

6 If nothing seems to work for the time being, and then applying ice to the tooth from the outside can provide temporary relief.

7 Munching on green leafy vegetables are also a good way of solving toothache problems. If done daily, then it will prevent tooth cavities in the future.

  source by

A Summer Drink (Punch)

A Summer Drink (Punch) 

1 can of frozen cranberry juice
1 can of frozen orange juice
1 can of frozen lemonade
1 big bottle of ginger ale
Juice of two lemons
Sugar to taste.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Siyabala Chutney (Tamarind Chutney)

Siyabala Chutney (Tamarind Chutney)

This is a very simple Chutney to make and it goes well with
any curry.
