Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rathu Luunu

Botanical name:- Allium cepa var. aggregatum
Family name:-ALIACEAE
English name:-Redonions
Tamil name:- Vellaippuntu
Sanskirt name :- Lasuna, rasona
Status:- Under cultivation
Edibal parts:-Leaves, Young stems
Distribution:-Sri Lanka, India, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Ayurvedic usage:-Asthma, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Headaches, Amenorrhoea, Pains, Inflammations, Eraches, Fever.
Parts used to make medicine:-Bulb, Juice

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     Red onions gives the best of results when eaten row, for cooking partially destroys their active properties contained in a  highly volatile oil. Their Juice is an irritant, but onions should be eaten row as often as possible, in salads or added (chopped finely) to soups and vegetables.
They are an incomparable aid to health.
      (1)Take four medium size onions , sliced . Pour one cup of hot water, leaves to macerate for two or three hours. Strain and drink two or three times a day, before meals.
      (2) Grate one two onions as finely as possible. Mix together with a Spoonful of bee’s honey, and take two to three times a day. In the West this same preparation is taken in a glass of wine.
       There is another preparation of onions known   among ancient physicians for certain complaints.
       Macerate 100 grams of finely chopped onions in a liter of pure Coconut arrack for 48 hours; press and strain through a fine cloth, and drink two tablespoonfuls in the mornings on an empty stomach, for eight or ten consecutive days preferably when the moon is on the wane or at time of the new moon.
       This remedy is effective for anemia, exhaustion, bronchial complaints, flatulence, dropsy, urinary infection, rheumatism, diabetes, and gravel retention in urine. It lowers blood- sugar level.
       Onions form a useful remedy for coughs and bronchitis. Thy can be taken as a decoction. Cut 3-6  onions  , put in to a pint of water, boil For 5-10 minutes, strain and sweeten with honey. Drink 5-6 times a day3 tablespoonful at a time.
Hoarseness in the throat is cured by eating onions baked in hot ashes and mixed with ghee or butter.
       For those who afflicted with bleeding or non-bleeding haemorrhoids, eating row onions either daily with their food or chopped onions mixed With gee or sugar is most helpful.
        Row  onions eaten with food helps to relieve constipation.
       Onions for catarrh are very effective. The following decoction can be made easily. 
       Take Red onions, Pitawakka (Phyllanthus debilis) Gotukola and Hingurupiyali (Globba bulbifera) 3 Kalands each.Boil altogether is 3 cups of water and simmer down tone cup.
   Dose :a quarter cup taken at a time, three times a day.
   Onions act as an effective aphrodisiac. Steam a few onions, squeeze and extract the juice (1/2 cup) , add 2 tablespoons of gee. Drink dailyOn an empty stomach.

source by herbalplantslanka.blogspot.

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