Monday, November 30, 2015




Another important fruit-medicine is the 'nelli'. 
This is a small, green sour fruit with a very high quantity of vitamin C.z 
There is hardly any disease for which the 'nelli' is not used either 
singly or in combination with other herbs.
The 'nelli' is given to strengthen the retina 
and improves weak and defective vision.
If dried 'nelli' 
is soaked overnight and the juice extracted and drunk each morning, 
it makes a good laxative. Leaves boiled and applied on skin eruptions is
said to be beneficial. The ground leaves are said to cure eczema. 
Two tablespoons of 'nelli' mixed with a tablespoon of bees honey, 
taken regularly each morning helps reduce bleeding piles, 
while raw 'nelli', sour as it may be, improves complexion. 
Half a cup of 'nelli' juice twice a week helps keep bowel movements 
in order.

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