Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Wenivael gaeta-Coscinium fenestratum

 Scientific name-  Coscinium  fenestratum
English name- Cailumba wood
Tamil name-Maramanjal, Manjalkodi, Pasamantram, Imalam 

The name "Baan vael" seems to be specific to Sinhala.It is woody climber with a smooth bark, young shoots densely and finely yellow-tomentose; leavsimple, alternate, exstipulate, large.This is a highly endangered species with a high commercial demand and hence should be a niche agricultural cash crop for an enterprising farmer.
Its chief use is a remedy against tetanus.It is the stem of this creeper used in Ayurvedic medicine.In Malaria and other fevers it is as valuable remedy as quinine.It is used as an infusion.
It is also used in the treatment of diarrhoea  in both adults and in fants.In jaudice and skin diseases , it is administered , the bitter alkaloid in Weniwal in the treatment of bleeding piles and in cases of excessive menstruation. It is a blood purifier.  
source by herbalplantslanka.blogspot.

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