Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Migraine ( Iruwarudawa )

Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine:
Migraine is a very common form of headache, seen in nearly 15 % of the population. Women are more likely to suffer from migraine, than men. Usually there is a hereditary component seen among sufferers.
In Ayurveda, migraine is very similar to "Anantavaata", a vata dosha disorder. There is another condition described in Ayurveda, the "Ardhavabhedak". However, ardhavabhedak only refers to the one-sided headache and does not encompass migraine completely.
Causes of Migraine
The exact cause of migraine is not known. Meaning that, it is not known why some people are prone to migraine-related headaches and some others are not. In people with migraine complaints, it is observed that there are usually some triggering factors that bring on the migraine headache.It is advisable to avoid known trigger factors, irregularity in meals, and physical and emotional stress.

Ayurvedic View:
According to Ayurvedic principles, migraine is a tridosha disorder,Out of the three doshas, Vata and pitta dosha are the prominent factors. Vata controls the nervous system and brain activity and it is the imbalance of this Vata that causes the diseases. Vata imbalance arises due to improper metabolism, poor elimination, mental and physical stress, viewing of TV for long periods, reading with insufficient light, sleeplessness, etc.Out of the three doshas, pittadosha is the most prominent factor. "Pitta" causes dilation of the blood vessels, which causes the onset of a migraine attack.

From the external symptoms, it can be understood which of the three doshas is causing the attack. Refer to the following table to see what kind of migraine symptoms are shown by the doshas:-
Migraine due to Vata doshaMigraine due to Pitta doshaMigraine due to Kapha dosha
Dryness of skin
Pain is very acute
Redness and burning sensation in the eyes
Hypersensitivity to light
Headache with a dull throbbing pain
Diet :
Good dietary habits would help an individual maintain good health and offer immunity from recurring bouts of headaches. Consuming cooked vegetables without oil should be encouraged. Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Vegetable juices and soup, fruits and fruit juices including apple, mango, should be taken in ample quantities. highly-fruit based diet for a day or two can relieve pain. Grapes, lemons, cabbage juice are especially important. Rice, salad and buttermilk can always be consumed.

Simple Yoga treatments have been found to serve both as an alternative and as a supplement for dealing with Migraine and Headaches. Yoga is known to offer both cure and immunity from headaches.
Headaches caused due to tension and worry can be alleviated through deep breathing and relaxation, especially in a lying down position in a quiet place. Inverted postures, or those where the head is lowered briefly, increase oxygen to the brain and can reduce headache-causing strain. However, for those suffering from severe headache like migraine, any type of exercise can be injurious.

Nasya or medicated oil drops used for the treatment of migraine is of two types. The first is called "Shirovirechan", in which strong, irritant medicines are instilled as nasal drops, which induce sneezing and watery discharge. The second is called as "Avapidak nasya' in which a paste is prepared of a herb or several herbs, and the liquid is inserted in the nostrils. Usually, herbs like Vacha (Acorus calamus) and Pippali ( Piper longum) are used along with honey. Both procedures are aimed at removing the cause of the headache and the pain.

The medicated enema used in migraine is called as "Anuvasan Basti". Small quantities of medicated oils, usually about 50 ml. are given at regular intervals, on an outpatient basis. Oil of Sesame and Mahanarayan oil (containing mainly Asparagus racemosus) are usually used for this purpose.
Ayurvedic medications:
SUVARNA SUTASHEKHARA RAS - This is the most commonly prescribed Ayurvedic drug for treating migraine. It is not just a preventive but also a curative means Dose: It is given in the dose of 125 milligram twice daily. The medication is to be taken with milk.
GODANTI BHASMA - dose of one gram thrice daily. The medication is to be taken with honey..
Other preparations include Tribhuvankirti, Bhallatakasav, Triphala Guggulu
Useful herbs -- Ginger ,Brahmi, Jatamansi
In order to prevent the recurrence of migraine attacks, the following medications are prescribed in Ayurveda:- 
Vidhwansana rasa
Chandanaadi vati 
Anu taila for Nasya

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