Thursday, December 24, 2015

Natural Home Remedies for Women’s Sexual Problems

Natural Home Remedies for Women’s Sexual Problems

When a woman begins to have problems with the reproductive organs, it can affect every aspect of life.

Uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge dryness, leucorrhea, or irregular menstruation can cause pain and embarrassment. While these may be caused by conditions which need to be treated medically, it is often possible to deal with them using natural home remedies such as those that follow:

  • Natural Remedies for Women Sexual Diseases
    Discontinue smoking which impedes the production of hormones.
  • Use a water based lubricant, such as Replens or KY jelly.
  • Snack on sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds because they have an abundance of fatty acids which can reduce dryness.
  • To replenish the iron in the body, women with excessive uterine bleeding should consume at least a half cup of wheat germ each day.
  • Ginger tea may reduce pain and speed healing of female problems.
  • Drink the water left from cooking rice at least once a day for a week to treat leucorrhea.
If these solutions are not effective, try one of the following ideas for treatment of the sexual problems that affect many women:
  • Soak a teaspoonful of coriander seeds in eight ounces of water for eight hours; drink for relief from leucorrhea.
  • Eat three ounces of parsley each day to treat irregular menstruation.
  • Eat papaya twice a day to reduce sexual problems caused by stress.
  • For menstrual cramps, make a tea of dried mint and marjoram with a little honey and sip throughout the day.
  • Eating a cup of raw raspberries or drinking raspberry tea may reduce menstrual discomfort and cramping.
  • To increase the likelihood of starting a menstrual cycle, drink soy milk.
  • Taking increased doses of vitamin C may slow down heavy uterine bleeding.
  • Use coconut oil for all recipes when cooking to increase menstrual regularity.
  • Increase consumption of dark, leafy greens, such as spinach, turnip greens and chard, and all types of beans.

Sometimes female sexual problems are caused by serious conditions that need immediate medical treatment. Minor sexual problems, however, may respond favorably to the treatments listed above.

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