Sunday, December 6, 2015

Vajikarana (Treatment for Sexual problems)

Ayurvedic aphrodisiac treatments 

Ayurveda is divided in eight branches, which are carefully chiseled out to meet specific needs in the process of maintaining health and preventing diseases. Vajikarana is one of the eight branches which deals with all types of physical, and psychological sexual problems like impotence, libido, poor erection and early ejaculation in males and sterility, frigidity in females. Ayurveda strongly believed that a weak shukra dhatu was the culprit behind all male and female sexual problems. Vajikaran tantra (technique) claims that it has tips for a normal, healthy and mature shukra dhatu, which is ultimately essential for satisfying and productive sex.
The treatment adopted in ayurveda to increase libido, quality and quantity of semen, duration of erection and to treat infertility effectively is known as VAAJIKARANA.
As this therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse, it is called 'Vaajikarana'. ( 'Vaaji'=Horse.)
Vaajikaranamanvicchet purusho nityamatmawan| Thadaayattou hi dharmarthou preetishcha yasha yevacha || Putrasyaayatanam hyetad gunashchaite sutashrayaha |
This means "The person who takes virility therapy after rejuvenation therapy gets offspring. Through these offspring he gains the happiness."

Ayurveda has laid much importance on a male's potency. Charaka states the use of aphrodisiacs as mentioned in ayurvedic therapies enhances one's potence by leaps and bounds. These medicines are said to give one the strength and potency of a horse. They are said to increase libido, duration of hard erection ,sperm count and sperm motility.
Vajikaran therapy leads to-
  • Happiness.
  • Good strength.
  • Potency to produce offspring.
  • Increased span of erection.
Who should have Vajikarana?
  • - Age group (between 16 to 70 years)
  • - Importance (with the exception of hereditary or traumatic impotence.)
  • - Frequent indulgence in sex.
  • - Shukra Kshay (oligo spermia)
  • - Dhanavan (rich).
Who should avoid Vajikarana?
  • - Before 16 years and after 70 years of age.
  • - Duratma (evil minded people)
  • - Traumatic and hereditary impotence
Stree (female) is the greatest of all the vajikaran Dravya as said by charakh. Before vajikaran, pancha karma therapy is advised. Vajikaran is good for health and influence mental health also and psyche (mind) is considered as the origin of momentum for sexual desire. 
Vajikaran thus deals not only with modes of increasing sexual vigor but also psychosomatic disorders.

Modern medicine people,In the past, used to assume that impotence is primarily a psychological problem, but many therapists and physicians today have realised that the majority of all cases of impotence have some physical basis also.
Vajikaran basically comprises of three components -
1] a disciplined life style
2] conditional sexual act basing itself upon the assumption that sex is for better reproduction and not only for pleasure, and 
3] the use of vajikaran drugs (aphrodisiac medicinal formulations) to achieve these sexual goals.

Vajikaran doesn't contradict the abstaining from sex i.e. the brahmacharya but believes that sex is a means to procreation thus vajikaran serves the purpose of 'Purushartha Chatushtaya'( Dharma , Artha ,Kama and Moksha) by helping to procreate sustainable species.
Useful Herbs : 
Aphrodisiac for men according to the texts have been divided into five categories.

  • Promoting production of semen: (milk, ghee, onion vidari, musali, gokshura, shatavari, yashtimadhu and semen from various other animals).
  • Purifying action on semen: (kushtha, sugar cane, bayberry).
  • Promoting fertilization capacity in semen: (brahmi, shatavari, katuka, guduchi, amalaki, bala.
  • Herbs that increase libido: (akarakarabh, saffron, clove, garlic, pippali).
  • Tonics to combat premature ejaculation: (nutmeg, ashwagandha, chandhan, jatamansi, kapikachchu).
The texts have warned that it is important that a person not only pays attention to these herbs but also to the principles of virilization such as detoxification before the consumption of drugs as well as to gain control over one's senses.
The botanical names for some of the herbs: 
1. Onion: Latin Name-- Alluim Cepa, Family -- Liliaceae 
2. Shatavari: Latin Name -- Asparagus Racemosus, Family -- Liliaceae 
3. Kapikachchu: Latin Name Mucuna Pruriens, Family-- Leguminosae 
4. Bala: Latin Name Sida cordifolia, Family -- Malvaceae
5. Aswagandha: Latin Name Withania Somnifera, Family -- Solanaceae 
6. Chopchini: Latin Name-- Smilax China, family liliaceae 
7. Gokshur: Latin Name --Tribulus Terrestris, family -- zygophyllaceae
8. Yashtimadhu: Latin Name Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Family Leguminosae 
9. Nutmeg: Latin Name Myriastica Fragrans, Family Name-- Myristicaceae
10. Pippali: Latin Name-- Piper Longum, Family Name ?Piperaceae
11. Guduchi: Latin Name Tinospora cordifolia, Family Name-- Menispermaceae 
12. Aaakarkarabh: Latin Name Anacyclus Pyrethrum, Famiy Name -- Compositae
13. Shwet Musali: Latin Name Asparagus Adscendens, Family Name Liliaceae

Useful Herbal Compounds :
"Makardhwaja Gold"- Main Ingredients - parad, Gandhak, Suvarna bhasma.Indications - Aphrodisiac, Sex tonic
Main Ingredients :- Purified Hingul (Cinnabar), Bastand (Testis of Aries), Ashwagandha, Kavach Beej, Myristica, Saffron, Camphor.
Properties - 'Vrishavati' is formulated as a male reproductive system stimulant. 'Vrishyavati' is useful in male infertility, impotency, loss of libido and other reproductive disorders. The ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Kavachbeej help to improve sexual functions while bastand improves quality and quantity of semen.

Shatavari Kalpa - Shatavari is perhaps best known as a female rejuvanitive. It is useful for infertility and decreased libido.

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