Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies for Cholesterol Treatment

Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies for Cholesterol Treatment

  • 30% cholesterol in the body comes from diet
  • Rest is produced by the liver
  • High cholesterol leads to various heart ailments like heart attack

  • Overweight
  • Consuming fat-rich food like
    • Pastries and cakes
    • Butter
    • Meat
    • Fish
    •  Eggs
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Stress
  • Hereditary factors
    1. Natural home remedy using coriander seeds

      1. Take 1 glass water
      2. Add 2 tbsp of coriander seeds
      3. Boil it for 15 min
      4. Strain the mixture
      5. Allow it to cool
      6. Drink 3 times a day
    2. Natural home remedy using watermelon seeds

      1. Dry some watermelon seeds in the sun
      2. Roast and crush them into fine powder
      3. Take 1 tsp watermelon seed powder
      4. Add to 1 glass water
      5. Mix well
      6. Drink once a day
    3. Natural home remedy using basil and margosa leaves

      1. Take 10-15 basil leaves
      2. Take 10-15 margosa leaves
      3. Mix them and crush to a paste
      4. Add to 1 glass of water
      5. Mix well
      6. Drink on an empty stomach once everyday
      This reduces the bad cholesterol in blood.
    • Cholesterol is of 2 types:
      • LDL -- bad cholesterol
      • HDL -- good cholesterol
    • To regulate LDL levels:
      • Control diet
      • Drink 1 L of water every day

        source by homeveda.com

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